View Profile varunvaid95
I really have no clue what the hell to write here. I mean, it should be funny, but there should be something about yourself in there; something really deep, yet ridiculously funny. That's hard, and I just have NO clue what to write. Oh look, I'm out of-

Age 43, Male

ZOMgz y d0 u c@r3!?!

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Android V part one

Posted by varunvaid95 - June 29th, 2008


Cold. Colder than most people are comfortable being comfortable in. Snow pummeled the sides of a large metal house, determined to knock it over. Fifty men in white lab coats are inside, each one doing something that neither you nor I could possibily comprehend. One looks anxious, excited, I might add. "It's done. We have done it, my fellow thinkers! We have completed Project V!" He cheers, as 49 other cheers echo his. They huddled around the table. On it was a boy, with sleek black hair, and dark skin. He wore black leather pants with white stripes running down the oter side of them. He also was clothed in a silk red t-shirt, with one sleeve silver. Nike was written on the front in silver text. "Think of the possibilities! We will never lose a war. We will become the great-" the scientist was cut off. An explosion rocked the shelter revealing a large hole. Lasers shot out from the smoke, killing some of them. A boy leaped from the dust, his clothes identical to the boy in the table, except his shirt was blue and his pants were white. He was also light skinned, with blond, spiky hair, and piercing blue cybertronic eyes. He landed with a boom, and his hand rearranged itself to become a very sharp sword. He ran through the cloud, slicing and dicing at enourmous speed.

Very soon, the only "living" things there were the two teens.

"Awaken,my brother." The blond one whispered.

The dark one revealed its somehow calm red eyes.

"Awaken... V."

Chapter one
The pain of it all

V stood, carefully observing the bodies littered on the ground.
"Who are you supposed to be, fair dork?"
The blond icilly replied, "my name is project R. I am your older version."
"Emphasis on older." V quipped as he walked out of the ruins and into the frozen wastland.
"Brother, listen to me! I require your assistance."R declared.
"The hell do you keep calling me your bro?"
"V! Listen, darnit!"
"No. You look like the guy who killed the dudes behind you. I wasn't built for pain. I was built to protect. You're like an evil wanabee!" V laughed.
"Stop laughing, you ingrate! You think this is funny?!" R screamed in fury.
"Well,'bro, it sure as fuck ain't sad." V quipped as he flew into the air at super sonic speeds, leavin smoke and dust in his wake.
R screamed, cursing the disobediant snot. His ear shifted into a headphone.
"Yeah. It's R. No. He wouldn't even listen to me! Yeah! He won't give us a hand. We're on our own. Yeah, I'll head to the next droid." On that final note, his feet shifted to red hot jet rockets, and he rocketed away, leaving the bodies of the unfortunate lab workers to whatever fate has in store for them.

Chapter two
A purpose in life

Having reached the same frozen wasteland he was just in by flying around the world, V arrived just in time to see his older model fly awa at a rather pathetic speed. Pondering what he should do now, he remembered that he could look in the scientist's ruins. He entered it and searched throuh the rubble and the corpses until he found Proffesor E. Gad's journal. It read:

May 13, 2008
After seeing the enormity of untapped potential that billionare Tony Stark's Iron man suit held, the fifty of us- the Scientist's Weapons Association for Robotic Milestones, or SWARM- decided to try to re-create an eco-friendly android that could not kill, but would be unstopable in battle and had an unparralleled sense of justice. After receiving donations from Mr.Stark himself, we began work.

June 28, 2008,

We have created multiple androids, which we named A through U. Some androids were defective, some were weak in battle, and some were pure evil, some I remember in particular- Android R, Android T, Android B, and Android A. Each was immenselly powerful, but dangerous, so we turned them off and sank them in the bottom of the atlantic ocean. I think that Android V is looking good though. We have started construction on Android V as of yesterday.

September 30, 2008

Everyone is convinced that Android V is the one. But he is NOT! I have checked the notes. V will have incredible power, and an almost naïve sense of righteousness! But he is not the Super Soldier we are so desperatly craving! Granted, V is almost equal to the origninal Iron Man, but he is not America's greatest! No one will listen to me though, for they all so pitifully just want to go home. V will work, and that's good enough for them, but NOT ME! I MUST create the Super Soldier! I must! That is why I have decided to leave th-hold on! V is done! I will write later! I must see V for mysel-

V somewhat deppressingly placed the journal back on the ground. He assumes that that was where R came in. V was a failed product. What's more, R was supposed to be shut down. If R woke up, it is only common sense to believe that A, T, and B are also in such condition! He shook his head and headed for a famous city. New York City!


man this thang sucks i thought it was some kind of flash movie but then i find out its full of thousands of useless stupid crappy cruddy words make a flash movie next time and we'll be alright i hate it when people do crappy stuff like this stupid shit go fuck your mom or someone you big fat ass bastard

geez dude, i have movies...

i just posted a story, if you dont like it, dont read it.