View Profile varunvaid95
I really have no clue what the hell to write here. I mean, it should be funny, but there should be something about yourself in there; something really deep, yet ridiculously funny. That's hard, and I just have NO clue what to write. Oh look, I'm out of-

Age 43, Male

ZOMgz y d0 u c@r3!?!

*look at occupation*

Where I am now.

Joined on 12/20/07

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varunvaid95's News

Posted by varunvaid95 - May 1st, 2010

hm my post it too short.

Posted by varunvaid95 - October 2nd, 2009


Posted by varunvaid95 - December 30th, 2008


Posted by varunvaid95 - December 21st, 2008

I just bought Castle Crashers and decided to make a movie, possibly my best one yet. It will be a series.

Posted by varunvaid95 - October 24th, 2008

I'm just wondering. I guess it's not new anymore though.

Posted by varunvaid95 - July 29th, 2008


Lego My Eggo REMIX
By Varun Vaideeswaran
Monday July 14, 2008
It was a warm day as my plastic feet fit snugly into the raised circles on the floor. I turned my head, gazing at things through small white circles painted onto my head. I looked around, noticing the Lego blocks stacked upon one another to form a building. It was a construction set with a big yellow crane with a black rope attached to it that goes up and down when pulled, some buckets of makeshift sand, and a truck, four times my size.
I was Spider-Man... Lego Spider-Man.
My design was simplistic. Red and Blue paint, webbing imprint, and a classic spider on my chest. I decided today that I would stretch my joints. The construction site was built on the carpet floor near the door. My owner had left some crafting supplies near the construction site. I ran up to the very edge of the play set and kicked over a nearby bottle of glue. The cap flew off, revealing the sticky substance inside. I was afraid as I approached it, because it was more than quadruple my height! I gingerly dabbed my hands in glue. Now I could stick to the sides of the play set. You see, when you're a Lego figure, you need to be smart to survive. I specifically used glue that was old, so that it would stick, but I could still remove my hands from the wall. I climbed up the wall and crawled to the crane. I stood at the top. I could see my owner's room very clearly. There was a gigantic bed, and a computer sitting atop a black desk. It was a PC. I prefer Macs, not that I use them. I mean, have you seen those ads where one guy is the Mac and the other is the PC? The PC is a nerd! Mac looks cool though. I wish I could use one, but they're as big as a whale to me. It takes all of my power to hit one key!
I noticed a square on the floor of the set. It was a yellow square with little depressions in it. It was about the size of my hand. That's microscopic to humans. It was an Eggo waffle! I leaped from the crane, wind bouncing off of my plastic mask. I landed on the floor, next to the food. My hand had come off. I reached for it with my other hand and reattached it with a snap. I glanced at the succulent food. I reached for it. If I had a mouth, it would be watering! Just then, a big brown hand squeezed me and lifted me, three whole feet from the floor! (That's a lot, okay?) I looked at my owner, his glasses reflecting the light onto my face. The Indian boy took me to his desk, far away from the play set. I heard him speak in the strange dialect that humans do. I have earned to understand their voice. He said, "Hey dad, where's the video camera? I want to make a movie using the Spidey figure!" He dropped me next to his keyboard and left the room. He could be a real nuisance sometimes!
Looking around, I tried to decipher how I could get to the construction set. I saw a pencil nearby. Of course! I could pole vault across the room, spanning about seven feet, using the miniscule strength of a plastic two-inch figure, landing perfectly on the play set! I threw the pencil to the ground as I discarded that idea. Perhaps I could just jump. But that was even stupider. I saw a handkerchief about three times my size. I could sail over to the waffle! I grabbed both edges, ran off the desk and sailed. The wind pushed at the handkerchief, making me slowly and gently descend. I was at the set with incredible ease.
I almost touched down when a black figure ripped through the tissue! It was Venom, a twisted design of myself, however bigger he may be. His sharp, mangy teeth were locked in a permanent grin. I crash-landed onto the floor. I knew that Venom wanted the waffle as much as I. He dashed at me, but I grabbed him and threw him to the floor. He kicked me, sending me to the top of the construction crane. He soon appeared beside me. The crane hovered above the carpet that we were built on. He was a real powerful Lego! He lunged at me, but I dodged him and gave him a shove. He landed in the carpet. He attempted to stand up, but all Lego figures know that to stand, you need those little holes that your feet fit into. I looked up when I heard the thunderous boom of my owner's steps. He picked me up again! Then he ripped off my entire body! I was just a head! Then he attached the body and legs of New Goblin, another figure that came with the set. My body and feet were sleek black with a green tinge. He had weapons on his back, like a silver sword, with a green glow. I felt strange. Then he ripped the right hand off of Venom who went limp. He attached it to me. Oh no I was part Venom! My right hand was purple and black, with silver webs covering the arm. I also got Sandman's left arm, which had he sleeve of a green striped shirt. However, his fist turned into a sand mace!
I had changed! I was Lego Spider-Man no longer! I was Fusion! My owner than put me back on his desk and started filming me. It was in a very peculiar fashion. He would move me a little, then start and stop the camera. He kept doing this for a while. He grinned as he left with the video camera. I had no idea how to get the waffle now, because I didn't even have a handkerchief. However I saw a remote controller on the desk beside me. It looked like it controlled three things. Scanning the room, I saw a big red monster truck toy, and a green and blue one too. I skillfully used my Sandman and Venom arms, which both were heavier than mine to use the remote control. I had eventually lined up the cars vertically to make a sort of steeping stone. I leaped onto the red car, which was right under me. Then I jumped right onto the hood of the green car, which was an inch away. I maneuvered my way onto the blue car and back on the set. But I realized, to my horror, that that waffle was attracting a lot of attention. I saw another figure, a human. He had long black hair, a moustache, and a beard. He sported a red bandanna and a brown pirate hat. He wore a black jacket over his clothes.
I recognized him as the wily Jack Sparrow from the Black Pearl set! He could be very annoying. He had the waffle in his hand! I leaped at him, but he grabbed the rope dangling from the crane and gave it a tug. I crashed into the wall of the set as he skyrocketed upwards. Once atop the crane, he kicked over a nearby bucket of makeshift sand at me! I leaped out of the way, faster than normal because of New Goblin's lighter legs. Sparrow then removed the pieces that were keeping the crane high up, as it tumbled down toward me! I could not dodge; I was crushed as the crane smashed into hundreds of Lego pieces. I got up, realizing that some of the paint on my body had been scraped off! I was aghast! In rage, I kicked over the support beams for the building Sparrow was standing on, defeating him in the same way I defeated Venom. Sparrow bounced off the carpet and landed back in his giant black ship with scary black sails. I grabbed the waffle from the floor as I tried to take my mask off. Then I realized... My mask was my face. I had no jaws. I had no stomach. I had no mouth! I felt devastated.
I sighed as I almost comically collapsed from fatigue. Man, I hate being a Lego figure!


Posted by varunvaid95 - July 27th, 2008

it may not be up to date.

or it might be.

who knows?

Google knows.

I might know eventually.


i'm confused

Posted by varunvaid95 - June 30th, 2008

I am trying SO HARD to get at least one of my movies into a collection or on the front page or get some sort of award or even has a bloody 2,000 views!!!!


and now i'm whining. sorry

edit- well, i gots 2,000 views on Kingdom Hearts VG.

Still waitin' on the other...

Posted by varunvaid95 - June 30th, 2008

I really want to make a stopmotion movie but I don't have ANY pirates of the caribean sets..

that REALLY sucks
my dad offered to buy them for me, but it costs a lot so i dont want him to like waste money

why am i even posting this, its none of your buisness

Posted by varunvaid95 - June 29th, 2008


Cold. Colder than most people are comfortable being comfortable in. Snow pummeled the sides of a large metal house, determined to knock it over. Fifty men in white lab coats are inside, each one doing something that neither you nor I could possibily comprehend. One looks anxious, excited, I might add. "It's done. We have done it, my fellow thinkers! We have completed Project V!" He cheers, as 49 other cheers echo his. They huddled around the table. On it was a boy, with sleek black hair, and dark skin. He wore black leather pants with white stripes running down the oter side of them. He also was clothed in a silk red t-shirt, with one sleeve silver. Nike was written on the front in silver text. "Think of the possibilities! We will never lose a war. We will become the great-" the scientist was cut off. An explosion rocked the shelter revealing a large hole. Lasers shot out from the smoke, killing some of them. A boy leaped from the dust, his clothes identical to the boy in the table, except his shirt was blue and his pants were white. He was also light skinned, with blond, spiky hair, and piercing blue cybertronic eyes. He landed with a boom, and his hand rearranged itself to become a very sharp sword. He ran through the cloud, slicing and dicing at enourmous speed.

Very soon, the only "living" things there were the two teens.

"Awaken,my brother." The blond one whispered.

The dark one revealed its somehow calm red eyes.

"Awaken... V."

Chapter one
The pain of it all

V stood, carefully observing the bodies littered on the ground.
"Who are you supposed to be, fair dork?"
The blond icilly replied, "my name is project R. I am your older version."
"Emphasis on older." V quipped as he walked out of the ruins and into the frozen wastland.
"Brother, listen to me! I require your assistance."R declared.
"The hell do you keep calling me your bro?"
"V! Listen, darnit!"
"No. You look like the guy who killed the dudes behind you. I wasn't built for pain. I was built to protect. You're like an evil wanabee!" V laughed.
"Stop laughing, you ingrate! You think this is funny?!" R screamed in fury.
"Well,'bro, it sure as fuck ain't sad." V quipped as he flew into the air at super sonic speeds, leavin smoke and dust in his wake.
R screamed, cursing the disobediant snot. His ear shifted into a headphone.
"Yeah. It's R. No. He wouldn't even listen to me! Yeah! He won't give us a hand. We're on our own. Yeah, I'll head to the next droid." On that final note, his feet shifted to red hot jet rockets, and he rocketed away, leaving the bodies of the unfortunate lab workers to whatever fate has in store for them.

Chapter two
A purpose in life

Having reached the same frozen wasteland he was just in by flying around the world, V arrived just in time to see his older model fly awa at a rather pathetic speed. Pondering what he should do now, he remembered that he could look in the scientist's ruins. He entered it and searched throuh the rubble and the corpses until he found Proffesor E. Gad's journal. It read:

May 13, 2008
After seeing the enormity of untapped potential that billionare Tony Stark's Iron man suit held, the fifty of us- the Scientist's Weapons Association for Robotic Milestones, or SWARM- decided to try to re-create an eco-friendly android that could not kill, but would be unstopable in battle and had an unparralleled sense of justice. After receiving donations from Mr.Stark himself, we began work.

June 28, 2008,

We have created multiple androids, which we named A through U. Some androids were defective, some were weak in battle, and some were pure evil, some I remember in particular- Android R, Android T, Android B, and Android A. Each was immenselly powerful, but dangerous, so we turned them off and sank them in the bottom of the atlantic ocean. I think that Android V is looking good though. We have started construction on Android V as of yesterday.

September 30, 2008

Everyone is convinced that Android V is the one. But he is NOT! I have checked the notes. V will have incredible power, and an almost naïve sense of righteousness! But he is not the Super Soldier we are so desperatly craving! Granted, V is almost equal to the origninal Iron Man, but he is not America's greatest! No one will listen to me though, for they all so pitifully just want to go home. V will work, and that's good enough for them, but NOT ME! I MUST create the Super Soldier! I must! That is why I have decided to leave th-hold on! V is done! I will write later! I must see V for mysel-

V somewhat deppressingly placed the journal back on the ground. He assumes that that was where R came in. V was a failed product. What's more, R was supposed to be shut down. If R woke up, it is only common sense to believe that A, T, and B are also in such condition! He shook his head and headed for a famous city. New York City!